Resolving Windows 10 Update Error 0x80240017 Successfully
Here are multiple methods to address error code 0x80240017 in Windows 10:
- Restart your PC and attempt the update again. Often, a simple restart can resolve the problem.
- Utilize the Windows Update troubleshooter. Navigate to Settings > Update & Security > Troubleshoot > Windows Update troubleshooter. Follow the prompts to correct any issues.
- Temporarily disable your antivirus program. Sometimes, antivirus programs can obstruct Windows updates. Turn off your antivirus and try the update again.
- Reset the Windows Update components. Open Command Prompt with administrative rights and enter the following commands sequentially:
- Download and install the update manually. Visit the Microsoft Update Catalog website, locate the update that failed, download it, and install it manually.
- Execute a clean boot. A clean boot can help identify if third-party software is causing the issue. Go to Start > type msconfig > choose System Configuration > select the Services tab > check the Hide all Microsoft services box > click Disable all > select the Startup tab > click Open Task Manager > disable all startup items > restart your PC > try the update again.
net stop wuauserv
net stop cryptSvc
net stop bits
net stop msiserver
ren C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution SoftwareDistribution.old
ren C:\Windows\System32\catroot2 catroot2.old
net start wuauserv
net start cryptSvc
net start bits
net start msiserver